This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Swedish Chamber of Commerce Singapore events.

Event Details


Join us for an online session with Dagens Industri's China/Asia correspondent Johan Nylander, author of the newly published book "The Epic Split โ€“ Why 'Made in China' is going out of style".

This webinar will be offering you a balanced look at the deep set of problems facing US-China relations, and in particular the difficulties companies are facing in choosing sides in this gigantic struggle.

We will also discuss supply chain movements with regards to China, including both lower end and, now increasingly, higher end manufacturing - an inevitable trend that has been accelerated by the trade war and the pandemic.

Link to Nylander's recently published book can be found here.

NB: Log-in details for the webinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

This SwedCham APAC event is hosted by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Taipei.

