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Tuesday, September 17, 2019 (8:15 AM - 10:00 AM) GMT+8

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OUE Bayfront
50 Collyer Quay, #12-03
Singapore, 049321


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Event Details

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Being the largest market in the region, Indonesia presents a great business opportunity for companies that are looking to expand their footprint in South East Asia. With the recent re-election of president Joko Widodo in June, Indonesia is now preparing to continue growing its economy and develop in several sectors where Swedish companies have the technology, innovation and know-how to make a big difference.

In this Market Outlook: Indonesia, the Swedish Ambassador to Indonesia, Mrs Marina Berg and the Trade Commissioner to Indonesia, Mr Erik Odar will present their view on the political landscape, the agenda that is being developed by the re-elected president and what business opportunities this will bring to Swedish companies. A key initiative is the decision to relocate the Indonesian capital to Kalimantan and Team Sweden is currently working with several sectors to make the most out of this and other developments. You will learn about upcoming seminars and business meetings in different areas like smart city development, disaster management, mining technology and waste to energy.


  • Marina Berg (Ambassador at Swedish Embassy Indonesia)

    Marina Berg

    Ambassador at Swedish Embassy Indonesia

  • Erik Odar (Trade Commissioner at Business Sweden Indonesia)

    Erik Odar

    Trade Commissioner at Business Sweden Indonesia
