Wednesday, November 24, 2021 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8
M&A activities have surged in the APAC region since 2020, with businesses engaging in "glocalization" through cross-border acquisition and joint ventures. Interestingly, investments in the region include scale deals and scope deals, where companies compete to acquire tech capabilities. As they do so, however, companies may encounter regulatory hurdles that could delay or impact their growth strategy if not anticipated.
Following SwedCham's previous event on M&A in the APAC region, we are delighted to have Ms Kala Anandarajah, Partner, Head, Competition & Antitrust and Trade and Ms Dominique Lombardi, Partner (Foreign Lawyer) at Rajah & Tann with us for this event focusing on the legal aspects of M&A. In this session, they will discuss the key competition/antitrust and trade risks businesses should be aware of and provide practical pointers to anticipate and minimise the risks related to:
1. Deals' review by competition authorities:
2. Government policies on foreign investments: Protecting strategic assets and/or regulated industries
3. Inheriting trade risks: Successor liability in case of sanctions and/or export-control rules violation.
Log-in details for the webinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.
Partner, Head, Competition & Antitrust and Trade at Rajah & Tann Singapore
Partner (Foreign Lawyer) at Rajah & Tann Singapore