--------------------FULLY BOOKED---------------------
Are you an independent SME building up your business in Singapore? Or are you part of a bigger brand, but working a small start-up driven team here?
Through a new initiative, SwedCham would like to work closely with our SME Members, whatever shape and form, to help them grow and thrive in our business community. Together with a group of SME representatives we are currently developing a specific agenda for 2023, with the aim to bring our SME Members closer together to find business and collaboration opportunities both between each other but also vis-ร -vis our larger MNC Members.
For our first event, which will take place on Tuesday 28 February, we invite interested SwedCham SME Members to join us for a business showcase session where we both get to know each other and our value propositions, but also discuss how SwedCham can best support your growing business.
8:10-8:30: Light breakfast served
8:30-8:40: Introduction to SwedCham's SME initiative by Jonas Pinzke, Valiber Group, Arun Jayakumar, Apocca; and Lisa Ferraton, SwedCham
8:40-9:40: 5 min friendly one-to-one pitches with everyone in the room (or as many as we have time for in 60 min!) to accelerate connections between participating businesses
9:40-10:00: Feedback from the audience, wrap-up and next steps.
If you identify yourself with one of the following categories, we believe that this event is for you:
Max attendance: 30 pax. For SwedCham Members only. Venue will be confirmed shortly.