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Friday, February 19, 2021 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8

Event Details

Most Swedish companies take pride in their strong sustainability profile. We know of amazing initiatives by our SwedCham Member companies to go well beyond what is required by law in order to provide sustainable products or services. As Singapore is committed to the United Nations 2030 Sustainability Agenda, we believe that Swedish companies can play an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals to build a more prosperous future.

Would you like to make your company's sustainability know-how better known in Singapore and the region? Come and help us build a SwedCham sustainability agenda which is not only relevant for this region today but also creates a platform for you and other Members to showcase how we can contribute to the region's sustainability in the coming years.

Join us on 19 February at 8:30-9:30 am for an open discussion on how we can form a comprehensive and relevant sustainability agenda for SwedCham to join Singapore's and the world's ambitious sustainability targets and, by doing this, showcase the collective experience Swedish companies have in this arena.

This event will be an open discussion together with SwedCham's Board Member Magnus Gustavsson, Regional Manager at Nรถjdhs Underwater Technology, who has been leading SwedCham's sustainability committee for several years. We will give you a brief overview of what the committee has accomplished this far, and what we are planning as immediate next steps. Most of the hour will be dedicated to hear your ideas on what we should focus on to create a relevant and innovative agenda for 2021, including how we can collectively contribute to the global goals.

The event is set up on Zoom as for now - depending on number of people joining, we might switch to a physical meeting.

๏ปฟThe event is free of charge.


"No single model of sustainable development works for all countries. Each country must adopt solutions to fit their specific circumstances and priorities. But sustainable development is not a solo mission. It is a collective goal and we have much to learn from each other's experiences."

Lee Hsien Loong

Prime Minister of Singapore
