This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Swedish Chamber of Commerce Singapore events.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020 (7:00 PM - 8:30 PM) GMT+8

Event Details

Young Professionals of SwedCham Singapore would like to welcome you to our Autumn kick-off!

This Remote After Work (RAW) is a virtual meet and greet over zoom. After a quick round of introductions we will do a pop quiz. We may split up into smaller groups depending on how many we are.

Date: Wednesday 16th of September 2020

Time: 7pm Singapore-time


1) Register/RSVP and receive a code;

2) Go on Zoom;

3) Grab a glass of your preferred beverage;

In the event that we would shift to Phase 3 we will move this event to some kick-ass location so please keep an eye on your inbox.
