Dear [firstname,fallback=Subscriber],
August is the month where Swedes indulge in crayfish eating. Crayfish have been eaten in Sweden since the 1500s, and although Swedish crayfish today is both hard and expensive to come by, the tradition is still strong. With mainly imported crayfish, Swedes throw big parties during August where these creatures are consumed in mass, together with Västerbotten cheese, bread and one or more nubbe, a Swedish style snaps. Whatever their origin, crayfish in Sweden are cooked in a traditional beer brine with plenty of crown dill.
SwedCham is back in business after the July summer break. We can promise you a full calendar all the way up to Christmas, which we hope will create value for you as a Member both in terms of knowledge building and network building. We are looking forward to a busy Q3 & 4.
Please find below the latest news from our business community.
Your dedicated SwedCham team,
Lisa & Anna
Photo: Anna Hållams/ |
SwedCham welcomes the following new member to its business community:
Eletta Group: Founded in 1947 in Sweden, Eletta Group develops equipment and technologies for monitoring and maintaining the flow, the consistency and the cleanliness of fluids. Key contact: Chris Engström, Executive Board Member. |
2022 Swedish Company of the Year |
Last chance to nominate exceptional companies and individuals for the 2022 "Swedish Company of the Year" and "Swede of the Year" Awards. These Awards go back many years, and after two years of pandemic break, SwedCham is delighted to once again be able to launch the nomination journey.
Take this opportunity to recognise a Swedish company and/or a Swedish individual who has made a remarkable footprint during the past year. Who do you think deserves extra credit for their work in Singapore and the region?
The winners will be announced and celebrated during the SwedCham Midwinter Ball at the Goodwood Park Hotel on 5 November this year.
The nomination criteria for the "Swedish Company of the Year" Award: This award has a broad scope - it highlights extraordinary accomplishments that can come in many forms. The winner can be a company with a great impact, social or financial, in the region. It can also be an innovative fast mover with huge growth potential and a great advocate for the Swedish brand or a mix of many factors.
The nomination criteria for the "Swede of the Year" Award: This is an important acknowledgement of an outstanding person from the Swedish community who has created a positive impact, either in Singapore or the region, through his or her work and dedication.
NB: The deadline for nominations is Friday 19 August 2022!
Previous winners include: 2019 Swedish Company of the Year: Scania 2019 Swede of the Year: Janek Schergen, Artistic Director, Singapore Ballet 2017 Swedish Company of the Year: IKEA |
Corporate venturing in SG: What's the buzz? |
There is a lot of buzz about corporate venturing in Singapore right now. Through the recent launch of the second edition of the Corporate Venture Launchpad program (CVL 2.0), the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) is committing fresh funds of S$20 million over the next 2 years to enable companies to build new ventures that have the potential to scale and become globally leading businesses. But what exactly is corporate venturing and what does the journey look like? Electrolux, through its participation in the pilot CVL programme in 2021, has launched an exciting new venture. Come 8 September, hear first-hand from Electrolux on how the company identified and validated a new revenue stream, their key learnings of the process, as well as how EDB can support companies through its CVL 2.0 program.
Recent press coverage:
If you are interested in finding out more about this session, please contact SwedCham on The event is limited to 15 pax. |
Energy transition in Asia: What's the outlook? |
Given the geopolitical turbulence we are currently facing globally, what will happen to goal setting and roadmaps with regards to decarbonisation in Asia? Is it realistic to think that our climate goals for 2030 will be achieved?
On 25 August, we will have the opportunity to discuss these questions and many other energy transition-related issues in SwedCham's Zoom room with Reema Bhattacharya, Head of Asia Risk Insight at Verisk Maplecroft. Those of you who attended SwedCham's APAC CEO Talks in February and June have already heard Reema in action. Here the floor will be entirely hers to elaborate on the key green imperatives for Asia's emerging markets and how they are evolving in terms of opportunities and challenges from a regional and geo-political perspective. |
Midwinter Ball tickets on sale from 22 Aug |
Tickets for the Midwinter Ball on 5 November at the Goodwood Park Hotel will go on sale from Monday 22 August at 7am. Given the interest we have perceived already, we expect to sell out fast.
Held annually since 1985, SwedCham's most extravagant and lavish event of the year has a long tradition in Singapore. After a two-year covid break, we are honoured to yet again be able to host 200+ guests in what without a doubt will be the feast of the year. Following a long tradition, we will also hold the Award Ceremony for The Swedish Company of the Year and The Swede of the Year during the Midwinter Ball - more information on the award nomination in the beginning of this newsletter.
The theme of the Ball will, very timely, be The Roaring 20s - a decade synonymous with profound political, economic, and social change, as much in the 1920s as in the 2020s... Get your flapper dresses, bobbed haircuts, pinstriped suits and fedora hats ready.
VIP and Corporate Tables are on sale now; contact SwedCham's office for more information. Status: VIP Tables - SOLD OUT; Corporate Tables - 1 TABLE LEFT. |
2022 SG Business Climate Survey |
SAVE THE DATE: The 2022 Team Sweden Business Climate Survey for Singapore will be launched end of August. The project team will present insights from the survey at a breakfast roundtable discussion at Business Sweden's offices on Friday 16 September at 8:15-10 am. Ambassador H.E. Kent Härstedt will give the opening remarks at this session. Registration for this event will open mid-August. |
Upcoming Swedish election |
Söndagen den 11 september är valdag för valet till riksdag, region- och kommunfullmäktige 2022. Du kan antingen förtidsrösta genom att posta en brevröst eller rösta på ambassaden i Singapore.
Röstlängden Du som bor utomlands, glöm inte att anmäla dig till röstlängden (gäller de som bott mer än 10 år utomlands och som inte röstade i förra valet). Uppgifterna måste vara Skatteverket tillhanda senast den 12 augusti för att tas upp i tid i röstlängden. Blankett och mer information finns på Skatteverkets webbsida.
Rösta på ambassaden Måndag 22 augusti kl 14-19 Tisdag 23 augusti kl 9-12 och 14-17 Torsdag 25 augusti kl 9-12 och 14-17 Lördag 27 augusti kl 10-16 Måndag 29 augusti kl 14-19 Tisdag 3o augusti kl 9-12 och 14-17 Onsdag 31 augusti kl 14-19 Torsdag 1 september kl 9-12 och 14-17
Mer information om riksdagsvalet här.
Ambassadens svensklista Oavsett om du bor i Singapore eller bara är på besök, lämna dina uppgifter om var du befinner dig och hur du kan kontaktas under din utlandsvistelse. Uppgifterna kan vid behov användas av UD eller ambassaden för att kontakta dig om en konsulär krissituation skulle inträffa. De sparas under den tidsperiod du själv anger, dock max ett år. Planerar du en längre vistelse än ett år, krävs en årlig förnyelse. Du kan avanmäla dig själv när du vill. Du skriver in dig på svensklistan här.
Svenskar i Världen Valdeltagandet för utlandssvenskar i senaste riksdagsvalet var 40 procent av röstberättigade. Två viktiga anledningar till att deltagandet inte är högre är att många inte nås inte av informationen, samt att det inte alltid är enkelt med röstlängd, utlandsröstkort, valsedlar med mera. Av den anledningen har Svenskar i Världen under våren sammanställt information som ska underlätta för alla utlandssvenskar att rösta. De har tagit reda på riksdagspartiernas uppfattningar i olika frågor, belyst praktikaliteter som röstlängd och olika röstningsförfaranden, och har intervjuat experter och utlandssvenskar. De har också diskuterat några av de frågor som påverkar utlandssvenskarnas liv och vardag med partiledare och andra representanter för riksdagspartierna i intervjuserien Livefika Valspecial. Läs mer här. För alla som vill hjälpa till att sprida information om hur man som utlandssvensk röstar i svenska riksdagsvalet finns nu en Facebook-grupp: 100k röster 2022. Gå med så hjälps vi åt att påminna utlandssvenskar om att använda sin demokratiska rätt att rösta!
Photo: Mona Loose/ |
Interested in finding out what's going on in Swedish politics? Sweden parliamentary election will take place on 11 September this year. Following numerous changes and turnarounds, the national political scene has particularly changed since the last Riksdag election. Magdalena Andersson, current leader of the Socio Democrat party - the first women elected as Sweden’s Prime Minster - had to face several challenges throughout her mandate. Andersson is leading the smallest minority governments in Sweden’s history marked by inside instabilities, the COVID-19 pandemic and Ukraine’s invasion by Russia at a time when the country's foreign policy was taking a historic turn. In fact, Sweden took the decision of stepping into NATO on 18 May, breaking up with its historic non-alignment policy. On this unprecedented political scene, the stakes are high.
To get a helicopter view in English on what is going on in Swedish politics, tune in to this webinar hosted by Kantar Public on 8 September. |
Friday 16 September: Presentation of the 2022 Team Sweden Business Climate Survey for Singapore.
Saturday 5 November 2022: The Midwinter Ball, Goodwood Park Hotel. Theme: The Roaring 20s.
|  | Market Outlook: Japan | What Role will Japan Take in a World of Transition? | 
| Sep 15, 2022 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) (GMT+8) |
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