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Thursday, September 8, 2022 (8:15 AM - 10:00 AM) GMT+8

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Electrolux Office

23 Rochester Park
Board Room Level 1
Singapore 139234

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Event Details

Start-ups have been disrupting incumbent players and industries for many years. Their ability to realise and capitalise on new market opportunities has been driven by rapid adaptation of new technology and flexible business models, enabling them to respond to changing consumer needs at pace. Between 2022 and 2027, the average age of a S&P 500 corporate will be 12 years - a fall by an astonishing 50%. Considering this, how can established corporates compete with start-ups to find growth opportunities and generate future revenue streams beyond their core business?

In May 2021, the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) launched the 'Corporate Venture Launchpad' (CVL) โ€“ a pilot programme designed to enable established corporates to remain competitive by supporting them to launch a new venture in Singapore, within six months. The second edition of the CVL initiative is slated to launch in Q3 2022, with enhancements to the programme design to cater to a wider range of eligible companies interested in building new business out of Singapore.

Having participated in the CVL pilot, SwedCham Partner Electroluxis excited to share its positive journey into corporate venturing. This CxO session will explore how Electrolux identified and validated a new revenue stream, the role the corporate brand plays, and how it achieved this while staying true to its global sustainability mission.

This session is targeted at senior management of established industry players interested in deepening their knowledge and understanding of corporate venturing and learning more about the support available from EDB as part of the Corporate Venture Launchpad.

Date: Thursday 8 September 2022

Time: 8:15-10:00 am

Venue: Electrolux S.E.A Pte Ltd 23 Rochester Park #04-01, Singapore 139234 (Boardroom-level 1)


NB: This in-person event is open to SwedCham corporate members only. Limited number of seats.

