This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Swedish Chamber of Commerce Singapore events.


Wednesday, September 4, 2019 (8:15 AM - 10:00 AM) GMT+8

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SwedCham Office

260 Orchard Road
#07-01/04 The Heeren
Singapore 238855


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Event Details

**Registration closed**

This is a round table breakfast for female business owners, female entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs of the future. Whether you are leading a large organisation, or if you are just thinking of breaking out and and starting your own business, come and meet like-minded people. Let's share unique experiences, learn how to navigate all the usual obstacles and exchange practical information.

To get the discussion started, Susanna Fagring, CEO and Co-Founder Forsman & Bodenfors Singapore, will take us through her journey of starting up one of Sweden's most successful advertising agencies in Asia over the past 12 months. Forsman & Bodenfors has been ranked as one of the most-acclaimed creative agencies in the world for the past two decades.


  • Susanna Fagring (CEO and Co-Founder of Forsman & Bodenfors Singapore and Member of the Global Board)

    Susanna Fagring

    CEO and Co-Founder of Forsman & Bodenfors Singapore and Member of the Global Board
