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Thursday, September 21, 2023 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8

Event Details

When your company makes investments in other countries, does it consider foreign investor treaty protections? These may be crucial both to whether you actually go ahead with your investment as well as how you make your investment.

Foreign investments are not only protected by contracts and national law but can also be protected by international law, such as bilateral investment treaties (BITs). There are approximately 3,000 BITs in existence worldwide, with more than 1,000 estimated to have been concluded by Asian countries. Companies making cross-border investments, however, are rarely aware that BITs exist, let alone what protection these treaties may give them. Investment protection can extend to a wide range of assets, such as shareholdings, debt instruments, contractual and intellectual property rights, licenses and permits, and tangible and intangible property. BITs, therefore, may provide an additional important layer of legal protection to your company's investments in Asia and beyond.

SwedCham is delighted to have Mr Jakob Ragnwaldh, Partner at law firm Mannheimer Swartling, with us for this virtual knowledge session where he will explain some real fundamentals for investing internationally. This talk will give you an introduction to investment protection treaties in Asia, explaining both what they are and how they work, the level of protection generally provided to investors, and how a company can structure its investment to use them.

AGENDA (NB: Online event)

NB: This is an online event.

