This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Swedish Chamber of Commerce Singapore events.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020 (8:00 PM - 9:00 PM) GMT+8

Event Details

SwedCham's Women4Women Forum is pleased to invite you to our next RAW - Remote After Work!

Before we meet at RAW, we would like to ask you to watch the short movie Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times from the United Nations to help us kick start a discussion on what we can do to align with the change needed in our world today. We are at a pivotal moment in time and it is up to each and everyone of us to drive the change we want to see.

Date: Wednesday 7 October 2020

Time: 8pm Singapore-time

How: 1) Register and receive a code; 2) Go on Zoom; 3) Grab a glass of wine; 4) Join us online!


  • Log-in details for the webinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.
  • If exceeding 15 pax, participants may be split up into smaller groups.
  • RAW is open to SwedCham members only.

Brought to you by SwedCham W4W Working Committee
