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Thursday, March 21, 2019 (5:45 PM - 10:00 PM) GMT+8

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1880 Members Club

1 Nanson Road, Level 3, Singapore 238909

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Event Details

Please be advised that the SwedCham Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 21 March 2019 from 18.00 at the 1880 and a three course dinner will be served. This year we have the honor to present Christer Fuglesang as guest speaker. He is a Swedish physicist and an ESA astronaut. He was first launched aboard the STS-116 Space Shuttle mission on December 10, 2006, at 01:47 GMT, making him the first Swedish citizen in space.

The Agenda for the meeting can be found under here. The Financial Statements for 2018 together with the Auditors' Report, the budget for 2019, the Report on SwedCham Activities 2018, and the proposal for the Board for 2019/2020 will be available at the meeting.

If any member wishes to add an item to the Agenda of a nature, which can only be discussed at an Annual General Meeting, then he may do so by giving notice to the SwedCham office ( seven days before the date of the AGM, 14 March 2019.

In case you cannot make it, please download the proxy here, sign it and send it back to by March 20 2019.
