Tuesday, May 26, 2020 (8:30 AM - 9:00 AM) GMT+8
SwedCham's Weekly COVID-19 NewsFlash - a 20 min update on a COVID-19 related topic by an invited guest speaker, followed by 10 min Q&A.
Mr Sebastian Grossmann, Regional Manager Southeast Asia for Finnair will be SwedCham's next guest at our weekly COVID-19 NewsFlash. He will give us an update on the airline industry in general and Finnair in particular, with focus on how the corona virus will forever change the way we fly.
NB: Due to the Public Holiday on Monday May 25th, this NewsFlash will be held on Tuesday May 26th.
The Weekly COVID-19 NewsFlash is free for SwedCham Members.
NB: Log-in details for the webinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.
Regional Manager Southeast Asia at Finnair