Wednesday, June 10, 2020 (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM) GMT+8
Swedish Chamber of Commerce Singapore, Swedish Chamber of Commerce China, Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce, Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Nordcham Philippines, The Swedish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan, Swedish Chamber of Commerce India, Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, NordCham Indonesia (Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia), Nordic Chamber of Commerce Vietnamn, Swedish Chamber of Commerce Korea, Swedish Chamber of Commerce Taipei
Sweden's Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs
Positions and assignments:
2019– Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs
2017–2019 Board member, Lifco
2017–2019 Board member, Mid Sweden University
2016–2018 Board member, Partnerinvest Norr
2013–2018 Deputy CEO, Almi Företagspartner AB
2010–2017 Board member, University West
2009–2019 Board member, Atrium Ljungberg
2007–2012 CFO, Almi Företagspartner AB
2001–2007 Managerial positions, SEB Private Banking
1999–2001 Project manager, Öhman Fondkommission
1987–1999 Various posts and managerial positions, SEB Merchant
Chairman at Investor AB
Jacob Wallenberg is Chairman of Investor AB, Vice Chairman of FAM and Patricia Industries, and Director on the board of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. He is also actively involved in the telecommunications industry, and the power and automation technology industry as Vice Chairman of Ericsson and ABB. Jacob holds an MBA degree from the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Jacob Wallenberg is also member of IBLAC (Mayor of Shanghai's International Business Leaders Advisory Council), Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), the European Round Table of Industrialists and the Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.
Chief Representative at SEB, Beijing China
2016- Chief Representative, SEB Beijing
2010-2016 Gobal Head, Subsidiary Financing, SEB HQ
Peter has previously worked as the head of SEB Branch France as well as head of the SEB office in Brazil. He has also been a Board member of the Brazilian investment bank Banco Mercantil Finasa.
Peter started his career in Peru working with the re-scheduling of Peruvian debt. He has long experience of working with emerging markets within all product areas.
Captain in the Reserves of the Swedish Coast Artillery, Royal Naval Academy
BSFS, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.
Wallenberg Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
AMP, INSEAD, Fontainebleau