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Tuesday, November 12, 2019 (8:15 AM - 10:00 AM) GMT+8

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SwedCham Office

260 Orchard Road
#07-01/04 The Heeren
Singapore 238855


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Katherine Chapman (Founder and CEO of CSLB Asia)

Katherine Chapman

Founder and CEO of CSLB Asia

After 16 years working in Asia, Katherine founded CSLB Asia to provide best-in-class company registration, compliance and corporate advisory services from expert lawyers - while removing the overheads associated with traditional corporate advisory.

Katherine and her team of experts have over 30+ years of collective experience in commercial and financial law. The team consists of accredited lawyers, compliance specialists and certified experts who have worked with award-winning law firms and private companies.

Emelie Hedรฉn (CEO and founder of Mรถbler)

Emelie Hedén

CEO and founder of Mรถbler

Möbler is the only vendor of genuine retro and antique furniture and decor in Asia. Emelie opened the doors to Möbler in Singapore three years ago and is now selling all over the world. A lot of the focus is directed towards China where a showroom will open in 2020. Peder Lamm, the Swedish antique guru is now a part of the growing team and Möbler has a very exciting future ahead. However the journey has been anything but easy. An unsuccessful partnership ended up in a horrible lawsuit, sales took time to reach today's level, plus many other unforeseen problems and sacrifices. Drive, conviction and determination have been the ever so important factors in Emelies entrepreneurial journey. Filled with experience and knowledge on how to run a business, the learnings are many. The most important one being: Do not quit!
