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Monday, March 4, 2024 (7:30 PM - 9:30 PM) GMT+8

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Mette Johansson (Co-founder of The Inclusive Leaders Institute.)

Mette Johansson

Co-founder of The Inclusive Leaders Institute.

Mette Johansson is a highly awarded author, global speaker and consultant. She is the founder of MetaMind Training, a globally active training consultancy providing consulting and learning programmes in the people side of leadership skills.

With a corporate leadership background across Europe and Asia, Mette is also a serial social entrepreneur being the founder of KeyNote Women Speakers and the co-founder of The Inclusive Leaders Institute.

KeyNote is the largest community of women speakers globally, with a mission to bring diversity to speaking stages around the world.

Having lived in 10 countries outside her birthplace, Denmark, Mette is a global citizen who speaks fluently in four languages.
