Wednesday, November 18, 2020 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8
Country Manager, Thailand & Emerging Mekong (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos) at Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade & Invest Council
Carl Lindwall is Country Manager for Business Sweden in Thailand and the Emerging Mekong markets (Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos), with six years of experience working in the Kingdom of Thailand. Prior to joining Business Sweden, Mr Lindwall worked in industries such as management consultancy, telecom R&D, financial technology, as well as academia in Sweden, China, and Japan.
Swedish Ambassador-Designate to Thailand (with accreditation to Laos and Myammar)
H.E Jon Åström Gröndahl is Sweden’s Ambassador-Designate to Thailand (with accreditation to Laos and Myammar) since September 2020. Prior to his current posting, Jon was the head of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ department for Consular Affairs and Civil Law. He has also previously served at the Middle East and North Africa Unit and at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs' chancellery.
Jon Åström Gröndahl has served in Afghanistan and in the Swedish Armed Forces.