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Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (8:15 AM - 10:00 AM) GMT+8

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OUE Bayfront
50 Collyer Quay, #12-03
Singapore, 049321


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Event Details

China's abandonment of COVID-19 controls late in 2022 has reinvigorated the $18 trillion economy that has suffered one of its lowest growth rates in nearly half a century. A recovery of the Chinese economy is in sight for 2023, but the nature and speed of that recovery remain in doubt. As U.S. and European economies are slowing down, a wide-spread assumption by economists is that China's export will barely grow this year due to a drop in demand for Chinese goods, and that growth will mainly come from consumption and investment but less from manufacturing.

In this SwedCham session, Eugenia Fabon Victorinoโ€‹, Head of Asia Strategy at SEBโ€‹, will talk us through how she sees China's recovery to pan out and how the country's government policy may evolve throughout the year.


