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Gรถran Bjรถrkman (President & CEO of Alleima)

Göran Björkman

President & CEO of Alleima

Mr Göran Björkman has held various leading positions within Sandvik since 1990, of which around 20 years at the materials technology operations.

He is currently the President and CEO at Alleima and Chairman of "Industriarbetsgivarna i Sverige".

His most recent positions were Vice President of Production at Sandvik Coromant and Vice President of Production Strategy at Sandvik Machining Solutions.

Peter Ling-Vannerus (Chief Representative of SEB in Beijing)

Peter Ling-Vannerus

Chief Representative of SEB in Beijing

Mr Peter Ling Vannerus is the Chief Representative at SEB Beijing.

Mr Ling has previously worked as the Global Head at the Subsidiary Financing, SEB HQ, head of SEB Branch, France as well as head of the SEB office in Brazil and Board member of the Brazilian Investment Bank, Banco Mercantil Finasa. He has a long experience of working with emerging markets within all product areas and started my career in Peru working with the re-scheduling of the Peruvian debt.

Captain in the Reserves of the Swedish Coast Artillery, Royal Naval Academy
BSFS, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C.
Wallenberg Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
AMP, Insead, Fontainebleau
