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Wednesday, November 18, 2020 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8

Event Details

For SwedCham's Market Outlook series, we are pleased to have Business Sweden with us for an update on Thailand.

The economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the economy in many different ways and the level of impact and damages varies between countries. When comparing with the neighbouring ASEAN countries, Thailand appears likely to become hit the hardest in the short term with a projected GDP contraction of approximately 8% in 2020, and only a modest pick-up in 2021. Traditional drivers of Thailand's economy (e.g. tourism and automotive manufacturing) have been especially affected by global policies put in place to ensure decreased virus transmission. On top of that, the current large-scale student demonstrations risk affecting investor sentiment into 2021.

Nevertheless, Thailand remains Sweden's second largest export market in ASEAN and a regional hub for many leading manufacturing companies. The pandemic has had profound and long-lasting economic effects on the entire society โ€“ shifts that are likely to lead to new opportunities as well as challenges for Swedish and foreign companies.

In this webinar, Carl Lindwall, Country Manager for Thailand and Emerging Mekong Markets at Business Sweden, will walk us through the economic effects of the pandemic, the government's response, as well as new areas of opportunity for Swedish businesses. He will also present the background, context, and outlook of the current political upheaval in the country.


8:30-8:35 Open remarks by H.E Jon ร…strรถm Grรถndahl, Swedish Ambassador-Designate to Thailand (with accreditation to Laos and Myammar)

8:35-9:15 Presentation by Mr Carl Lindwall, Country Manager, Business Sweden Thailand and Emerging Mekong markets.

9:15-9:30 Q & A.

Log-in details for the webinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.


  • Carl Lindwall (Country Manager, Thailand & Emerging Mekong (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos) at Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade & Invest Council)

    Carl Lindwall

    Country Manager, Thailand & Emerging Mekong (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos) at Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade & Invest Council

  • H.E Jon ร…strรถm Grรถndahl (Swedish Ambassador-Designate  to Thailand (with accreditation to Laos and Myammar))

    H.E Jon Åström Gröndahl

    Swedish Ambassador-Designate to Thailand (with accreditation to Laos and Myammar)
