Monday, March 14, 2022 (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM) GMT+8
For this SwedCham APAC event, we are delighted to welcome Leon Wang, Executive Vice President, International, and President, China, at AstraZeneca.
We will get the opportunity to hear about AstraZeneca's efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, its focus on harnessing the power of science, digital innovation and partnership to build more resilient healthcare systems in a post-pandemic world, and their determination to improve health for as many people in as many countries as possible.
Mr Peter Ling-Vannerus, Chief Representative, SEB Beijing, will moderate the conversation with Mr Wang.
This event is hosted by SwedCham China and will be conducted on the platform KUDO, which makes it possible for the audience to switch to Chinese translation. Exclusively for SwedCham Members.
AstraZeneca develops, manufactures and sells pharmaceuticals and biotechnology products to treat disorders in the oncology, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infection, neuroscience, respiratory and inflammation areas. AstraZeneca has its corporate headquarters in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and its main research and development (R&D) centers are in Cambridge (UK), Gaithersburg (Maryland, US), Gothenburg (Sweden) and Warsaw (Poland)
Executive Vice-President, International, and President, China at Astra Zeneca
Chief Representative at SEB China