Monday, May 10, 2021 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8
Founder and CEO of Orissa International
Sarath Menon is the Founder and CEO of Orissa International Pte Ltd, a market entry consultancy firm headquartered in Singapore with offices throughout South East Asia. Since 1997, Orissa International has been providing a range of market entry services to help companies from around the world that want to grow their business in the ASEAN region. Many of these companies are referred to Orissa International by export agencies from around the world.
Prior to founding the company, Mr. Menon was the Country Director of the US-Asia Environmental Partnership (USAEP) program in Singapore, a USAID-funded program that focused on trade development, regulatory policy and business facilitation within the environmental industry in Southeast Asia. His achievements in the USAEP program were recognized in 1997 when he received the Distinguished Service Award from the US Government for his work in promoting the exports of American products and services to Asia.
Mr. Menon is an active member of the Singapore business community. He has conducted export strategy workshops organized by Enterprise Singapore. He has served as a member of the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Commerce, and he was also Co-Chair of the Entrepreneur Committee within the chamber, which was active in helping its SME members. He is also a past President of the American States & Ports Association (ASPA), a grouping of US states and ports with a presence in Southeast Asia.