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Wednesday, June 1, 2022 (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM) GMT+8

Jennifer Brant (Lawyer and Public Policy Consultant)

Jennifer Brant

Lawyer and Public Policy Consultant

Ms Jennifer Brant has over 20 years of experience providing public policy research and analysis and developing and executing communications and policy advocacy strategies. Her work focuses on global market access and regulatory issues, notably in the areas of intellectual property (IP), technological innovation, healthcare, cybersecurity, and trade.

Since 2010, she has led a boutique consulting business based in Geneva, Switzerland. Ms Brant advises innovators from the private sector, along with industry groups, NGOs, and international organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization and World Health Organization.

In recent years, she has worked to raise awareness about the gender IP gap, that is, the lower use of patents and other IP tools by female innovators and entrepreneurs.

Ms Brant is a member of the International Gender Champions, and she sponsors and mentors junior female professionals working in government affairs.
