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Tuesday, February 23, 2021 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8

Andrea Kennedy (Certified Financial Planner & Financial Wellness Coach)

Andrea Kennedy

Certified Financial Planner & Financial Wellness Coach

Ms Andrea Kennedy is a Certified Financial Planner and Asia’s first and only Financial Behavior Specialist as certified by the Financial Psychology Instituteโ€‹TM of the United States. Acting as a financial educator, Ms Kennedy lectures around the region to promote financial education and coaches clients around all aspects of financial planning and individual investing.

Ms Kennedy has used her background in financial planning and psychology to counsel and educate couples, families and professional women in Hong Kong, Singapore and Shanghai over the last 15 years.

Ms Kennedy writes a blog called the Wealth Rain Dance where she covers topics as diverse as the US debt ceiling, retirement and tax planning for global investors. Her first book, โ€‹Own Your Financial Freedom, was published in 2014.
