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Thursday, January 21, 2021 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8

Event Details

For SwedCham's Market Outlook series, we are pleased to have Business Sweden with us for an update on Indonesia.

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread, the Indonesian government is struggling to manage the balance between protecting the public health of its population and driving the economic recovery that is currently forecasted to retract by 1-3%.

With its population of 260 million people spread across over 17,000 islands, a shortage of health professionals and constraints on physical infrastructure, there is a great need of modernization for Indonesian healthcare system. To address the economic needs, a new and much debated Omnibus law was recently passed, which aims to strengthen the economy by increasing competitiveness, creating jobs and making it easier to do business in Indonesia.

In this webinar, Erik Odar, Trade Commissioner to Indonesia at Business Sweden, will walk us through the economic effects of the pandemic, the government's responses and address new opportunities for Swedish businesses. He will also present the recently launched Sweden-Indonesia Sustainability Partnership (SISP) and discuss how Team Sweden aims to work together to increase business success in the market going forward.


8:30-8:35 Opening remarks by H.E. Marina Berg, Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia

8:35-9:15 Presentation by Mr Erik Odar, Trade Commissioner to Indonesia at Business Sweden.

9:15-9:30 Q & A.

Log-in details for the webinar will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.


  • Marina Berg (Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia)

    Marina Berg

    Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia

  • Erik Odar (Trade Commissioner at Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade & Invest Council)

    Erik Odar

    Trade Commissioner at Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade & Invest Council
