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Wednesday, October 21, 2020 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) GMT+8

Rajesh Sreenivasan (Head, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Rajah & Tann Singapore, Director, Rajah & Tann Technologies)

Rajesh Sreenivasan

Head, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Rajah & Tann Singapore, Director, Rajah & Tann Technologies

Named as a Leading Lawyer for TMT in publications such as Chambers Asia Pacific and The Legal 500 Asia Pacific since 2008, Rajesh has been advising clients on legal, regulatory and policy matters relating to technology, cybersecurity, data protection, telecommunications, electronic commerce, cloud computing, digital forensics and digital media for over twenty years.

He is “highly prized by multinational technology companies for his expertise in data protection, telecoms regulation and cybersecurity” and has been further recognised as an Elite Practitioner in Technology and Telecommunications by Asialaw Profiles (2020). Rajesh has also been ranked as one of the world’s leading practitioners for Data in Who’s Who Legal (2021).

Wong Onn Chee (CEO, Rajah & Tann Cybersecurity Technical Director, Rajah & Tann Technologies)

Wong Onn Chee

CEO, Rajah & Tann Cybersecurity Technical Director, Rajah & Tann Technologies

Onn Chee currently holds the positions of CEO of Rajah & Tann Cybersecurity, Technical Director of Rajah & Tann Technologies, Managing Director of Infotect Security and the Chief Technology Officer of Resolvo Systems. His areas of expertise include information leakage protection, web/cloud security and security strategy. Onn Chee is also one of the co-inventors for at least six international PCT patent rights (, besides several US, EU and Singapore patents. He has published his works in the area of information leakage protection and application of evidence laws when designing IT systems in the ISSA Journal. In addition, he was a former contributor to the CIS security benchmarks.

Lionel Tan (Partner, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Rajah & Tann Singapore)

Lionel Tan

Partner, Technology, Media & Telecommunications Rajah & Tann Singapore

Lionel started out his career in law as a Deputy Public Prosecutor and concurrently held the appointment of Assistant Director of the Computer Information & Systems Department of the Attorney-General’s Chambers. He has a keen interest in the field of Information Technology Law, with special emphasis on the developing area of litigation practice in the Information Technology arena. He also advises clients on compliance measures in relation to the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”) and is a member of the National Council of Social Services’ Workgroup for the PDPA.
